Medicine about me portal contains unique
services and mobile applications as well as a staff of highly professional
specialists that answer the users’ questions. All visitors of the portal have
an access to such services as making a doctor appointment, search for
laboratories, pharmacies and medical institutions. provides its
users with reliable and up-to-date information about health and healthy
lifestyle, and makes medical information comprehensible and accessible.

Tomatdesign agency developed the name, logo, identity and communication strategy to promote new portal about medicine and health.

Everything that surrounds us – weather, transport, food, sounds, thoughts, etc. – affects human health in some way or is somehow associated with it. This concept was put both in the base of the naming (medicine about me) and in the structure of the logo that is the key communication element.

The messages are primarily conveyed via SMM or guerilla advertisements with the sole aim to draw the user to the website. We use interesting facts about medicine and health tying them to a relevant medium, thus actually turning it into a teaser.

We use interesting facts about medicine and health tying them to a relevant medium, thus actually turning it into an advertisement teaser.

Client: National Medical Company

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